PADICAT (Digital Heritage of Catalonia) is an initiative of the Biblioteca de Catalunya to capture, preserve and distribute the web archive of Catalonia.

What do we have?

146,460 sites
383,871 crawls
54.72 TB of space

More information

What they say about us

  • When information is current, it circulates, it passes around and it does not get lost. There is no need of special measures to preserve it. When it loses validity it disappears, unless it finds shelter in libraries or archives. PADICAT is the digital information shelter through which we will not lose our memory.

    Lluís Anglada. Director Consortium of Academic Libraries of Catalonia
  • Thanks to PADICAT, Catalonia plays in the "Champions League" of digital heritage management. PADICAT will avoid that in the future we get more information from the press of the XIXth century than from the blogosphere of the XXIst.

    Cristóbal Urbano, Dean Library & Information Science, University of Barcelona